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Sunday, June 06, 2004

Not better but better

Went to visit the hair saloon to get my hair restraightened...they DID restraightened it but it wasn't all straight. The hair that touches my shoulder isn't straight...maybe it was just nature.

Hmm, kinda given up from trying to make it straight. However, went shopping and bought a hair straightening moisturizer (I was just looking for a moisturizer cuz my hair is prone to dryness), a brand new pillow and some other stuffs, what a comfort.

By the way, I made it a point to write about the pillow cuz I HAVE NOT slept on a pillow for at least 6 years. A weird fact, huh? Kinda threw my last pillow away cuz I was allergic to it and today, I bought a pillow with the description "ALLERGY FREE" on the plastic ^_^ hope this works.

Anyway, somehow I figured out that the root of all my problems is the lack of exercise. Can't believe it, huh? It didn't cross my mind until I realized that I haven't jumped and run on a spot daily since the day I got my hair straightened. Actually, I didn't jump on a spot fearing that I'd mess up my hair.

That probably explains my sudden mood changes. Or maybe it was really caused by sudden habit change (the habit on jumping on a spot for 100 times daily, been doing it for years so it's weird when I don't do it all of a sudden).

It wasn't meant to lose weight, though. Hehe, don't think it's enough to help anyone to lose weight. It's more like a stress relief thing. Some studies found out that you can reduce stress-related disorder (especially at a later age) when you jump on a spot for 50 times daily for years, of course. I'm investing on free remedy hehe, jk.


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