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Saturday, June 19, 2004

Email Wars

And the email wars officially begins...

Since Google Mail are testing its 1,000MB (1GB)-storage email, and it was becoming more famous each day, other big companies that have been monopolizing the web-based emails are beginning to feel the wave.

Yahoo! Mail are now offering 100MB of email storage of its users (and new users, of course), offering powerful spam protection and a good-looking interface.

Since I'm using both Google Mail and Yahoo! Mail, I can tell you that both of them offer excellent free web-based emails.

Despite all the excellency, Google Mail (Gmail) has definitely shocked the world by offering a free account of 1GB worth of storage, plus an internal search engine for emails and labels for sorting instead of folder. It's excellent for lazy people like me...lazy people who want things fast hehe.

Yahoo! Mail has always been good with its spam protection as long as the users report spams, which we should all do to improve the email's efficiency ;D

Friday, June 11, 2004

There's A Blog In Your Future...

Click the image above to read about why should you blog.

Windows System Processes

Some viruses, spywares or adwares can be detected when you press Ctrl+Alt+Del (on most Windows) and find out about the purpose(s) of each of the tasks. The processes are some of the programs that are running in your computer's memory. You can read about what the process does at Windows System Processes.

Thursday, June 10, 2004


Anyway, checked my "Close Program" (Ctrl+Alt+Delete, for Win ME) and kept seeing this task called EbatesMoeMoneyMaker, which I looked up on the Internet and found out that it's an adware. You should check yours too. Read Symantec's article for info about how to deal with the adware.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

A Brand New Beginning

From now on, this site is my homepage and Blogger will be used to updates stuffs on computing and my Xanga site will be use for personal posts. I love the community concept there ^_^ actually I love Blogger and Xanga the same. Don't be surprise to find that the colour scheme for both blogs are quite similar. It's my new favourite colour ;)

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

My Ranting

Nothing much for me to do today...it's such a boring day and yet I have so much to do. Went to school this morning for my Internet Programming class but a number of students weren't there so my tutor had decided to postpone the class. What a PITA some students can be, huh? Got my syllabus and everything...as usual, sat at the first row as it's easier to concentrate and to ask questions whenever I don't understand anything, but I was freezing because I was sitting almost directly in front of the air-conditioner, but that's a bit better than sitting near the window or I'll be checking who's down there every 30 seconds.

I'm gonna have all kinds of schedule clashes now...and just gave my dad the time I was occupied with classes and meetings. All the right times (especially during the day) are almost all taken. He has to arrange time for my driving lessons which seemed okay when I was having a semester break but since the semester has begun, a lot of things just changed. It's even more horrible if my instructor is not free when I'm free. Hopefully that won't happen.

Can't wait to get my license and drive myself around cuz I like to go anywhere I intend to go to, but transport has always been such a big problem in the past few years.

Email Hoaxes...the truth is one CLICK away

I think almost everyone of us received email hoaxes without knowing that it's a hoax. For example, have anyone of you ever received a forwarded email saying that someone is dying from cancer (or some other disease) and that you have to forward the email to the people you know and so-and-so company will track the emails and donate so-and-so cents (or more) for every email forwarded? To be honest, I received a few of that already and I tried to imagine how they can track the emails and wouldn't it be too troublesome for the companies or charity organisations that practice this forwarding thing.

Then, I received one from an online friend and decided to finds out if it's a hoax, which turns out...it is, but it almost choked me when I stumbed upon Hoax-Slayer.Com and realized that the email has been circulating since 1999 and is still being circulated as we're speaking (or as I'm typing this).

By the way, one type of email that never fails to trick people is the one that says that if you don't forward this to other people, then you'll be unlucky in love or you'll die and so on. Used to fall for that too, I think the person who started the hoax is playing with our fear. Even better, if possible, don't open forwarded HTML emails. It might contain VIRUS and they usually appear like they're helping you when they're not. Check virus hoaxes info page for a few examples of the forwarded emails that contain viruses. You may save some virus-cleaning time (for some better activities) when you meet one potentially harmful email ^_^

Monday, June 07, 2004

I Can't

You, you just made me believe,
That there's only one true love,
And you were the only one meant for me,
So I, I was a fool to you,
Believing that there's a future for me,
And I used to decide to stay with you forever.

But when I see your true face,
And I tried to find a way to rationize,
But you...you made everything worse for me,
Imagining that we're the only people in this world,
If you could only realize,
That love isn't about owning someone.

If life is a fairy tale and we'll make a good couple,
But in real life there's much more than both of us,
And I can't be with you twenty-four seven,
And I can't tell you everything's on my mind,
You've been wanting me to be there whenever you call...
But I can't...

Back here again

Ok, back to college again...and I received the result of my examination, pretty happy with what I got, couldn't be better *wink*.

For now, I'll be a nerd again hehe. Taking 4 subjects for this coming 4 months, pretty awesome. They are the lovely...

1)Data Structure and Algorithm,
2)Internet Programming,
3)Multimedia Authoring,
4)and the ever scary...Statistic.

Hearsay the Data Structure and Algorithm is hard...I predict it will be. Borrowed a reference book from the library to make myself more prepared for the class...just getting to know the subject better.

Plus, had to reread the C programming stuffs again cuz I don't remember much about Pointers and Structure, which is like a prerequisite knowledge for the Data Structure and Algorithm subject.

Have not informed my manager the time I will be free to work yet. Gonna have to see how it goes...yet another thing to worry about...the duty day for the Students Council members.

Sunday, June 06, 2004

Not better but better

Went to visit the hair saloon to get my hair restraightened...they DID restraightened it but it wasn't all straight. The hair that touches my shoulder isn't straight...maybe it was just nature.

Hmm, kinda given up from trying to make it straight. However, went shopping and bought a hair straightening moisturizer (I was just looking for a moisturizer cuz my hair is prone to dryness), a brand new pillow and some other stuffs, what a comfort.

By the way, I made it a point to write about the pillow cuz I HAVE NOT slept on a pillow for at least 6 years. A weird fact, huh? Kinda threw my last pillow away cuz I was allergic to it and today, I bought a pillow with the description "ALLERGY FREE" on the plastic ^_^ hope this works.

Anyway, somehow I figured out that the root of all my problems is the lack of exercise. Can't believe it, huh? It didn't cross my mind until I realized that I haven't jumped and run on a spot daily since the day I got my hair straightened. Actually, I didn't jump on a spot fearing that I'd mess up my hair.

That probably explains my sudden mood changes. Or maybe it was really caused by sudden habit change (the habit on jumping on a spot for 100 times daily, been doing it for years so it's weird when I don't do it all of a sudden).

It wasn't meant to lose weight, though. Hehe, don't think it's enough to help anyone to lose weight. It's more like a stress relief thing. Some studies found out that you can reduce stress-related disorder (especially at a later age) when you jump on a spot for 50 times daily for years, of course. I'm investing on free remedy hehe, jk.

Saturday, June 05, 2004

From the board

"Di San Zhe" by Liang Jing Ru

"I Promise" by Stacie Orrico

Shrek 2

The Brand

plain water

i don't remember

i don't recall

letter? a few months ago.

about one month ago

u mean the job b4 this one? it ended in the year 2001

my hair

when you have problem with something, talk about it, face it.

about a month ago...my final exam


DO YOU LIKE TO READ? yes, not about everything tho


DO YOU LIKE THE COLOR BLUE? pale blue, yes

DO YOU IMMEDIATELY REPLY TO E-MAIL? almost usually...unless i'm too busy


CAN YOU TELL JOKES? not sure...not professional tho. tho sometimes i think i'm blur and ppl laugh at it. never mind 'bout it ;) but telling jokes...not really, i think



DO YOU ENJOY GOING TO PARTIES? yeah, especially the ones attended by ppl i know

DO YOU LIKE BEING SURROUNDED BY PEOPLE? surrounded by open-minded ppl, yes.


DO YOU LIKE SURPRISING PEOPLE? i tend to...but i usually give a signal or something







Friday, June 04, 2004


Went to work as usual...tomorrow's gonna be a public holiday and i won't be working and my cousin's gonna get married soon...finally. I mean, I used to ask my dad, "Is he married already?" for years cuz I always heard rumours that he's getting married but it didn't happen.

Semester's gonna start this Monday...honestly, I forgot that today's Friday so I was so easy with today, assuming that it was Thursday until my manager reminded me. Both of us can't believe the week's almost over that fast. It feels like Thursday, ya know.

Kinda nervous cuz I haven't found out about the subjects offered for my new semester and I haven't seen the schedule so it's kinda scary cuz i gotta have time for everything...for my work, my classes, projects and time for myself and others...and time to learn new stuffs.

I was reading the C# book I bought late in 2002 cuz I had no other better book(s) to read. Not sure if the language is ever gonna be very popular among programmers or beat Java in any way but it's worth learning.

Omigod, just remembered the Visual Basic book...sucks man, my VB results hurt my GPA...that's all I can think of. Maybe I was horrible at VB mainly because I didn't like the interface. Gotta learn to love it somehow. Maybe I should read that book just to fill in all the knowledge gaps. I'm one person who's lack of knowledge, gotta learn more.

I guess C# can wait cuz I haven't installed the platform and compiler into my computer. My ME OS doesn't come with anything needed to run or create program with C#. Plus, there's XML waiting...

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Am I in Love???

You are totally in love.You try to hide it but you
cant.You are nice and pritty in your own way
and you are a bit of a daydreamer.Have fun and
please rate my quiz.

Are you in love?
brought to you by Quizilla

What Kind of Girlfriend Am I?

You're Perfect ^^
-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which
means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're
the kind of chick that can hang out with your
boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy
placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy
being around your boyfriend.

What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Edit: That's according to the quiz, though...but i'm still no one's gf ;P but in the past, i was kinda cold-hearted...maybe that wasn't me hehe

Isn't it weird?

It's kinda weird but coincidentally, I've listened to Evanescence's My Immortal like many times in a day, like wherever I am.

Anyway, here's the lyric...if I get superstitious, I think there's some meaning behind all this...if I'm not, then, maybe it's just plain coincidence.

My Immortal

I'm so tired of being here
Suppressed by all my childish fears
And if you have to leave
I wish that you would just leave
'Cause your presence still lingers here
And it won't leave me alone

These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have
All of me

You used to captivate me
By your resonating life
Now I'm bound by the life you left behind
Your face it haunts
My once pleasant dreams
Your voice it chased away
All the sanity in me

These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase


I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone
But though you're still with me
I've been alone all along


What Color is My Heart?

Your Heart is Red

What Color is Your Heart?
brought to you by Quizilla

Which male celebrity are you going to marry? (14 choices now!!)

You are going to marry Brad Pitt. He is always
friendly to anybody he ever meets and he is
very talented as an actor. He is also very
sincere and friendly. He will respect you until
the day he dies. Congrats!!

Which male celebrity are you going to marry? (14 choices now!!)
brought to you by Quizilla

Edit: Erm...I think there are wayyyy too little choices lar. Actually I think Hideaki Takizawa is cuter ^_^

Getting Lucky?

One of my friends held a potluck get-together last night before everyone leaves for the new semester. My semester will begin next week, btw, which kinda sucks and kinda not.

Anyway, met up with some ex-schoolmates (from my beloved secondary school) and their friends.

After dinner, some of us left the dining room to watch American Pie 2 (which I didn't really remember watching back then although I assumed that I've watched them but after a while, I think it's hard to say cuz all the teen movies have the same feel).

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Love Btw

1. first love or last love?

2. love at first sight or love at first cry?

3. How do you know if someone loves you?
be my friend/heng tai and tell me...or else i won't know

4. How do you know if u're in love with someone?
when i think about someone, where he is, how's he, get so scared if things won't work out...and when he's happier with someone, I'll let him go. If he likes me...that's my day.

5. Do you believe 10 minutes love?
no, 10 minutes crush, maybe

6. Do you believe in soulmate?

7. What nickname does your love one gave you
no nickname.

8. Monogamy or poligamy?
monogamy...try poligamy and i'll slap him.

9. What do you do if u'r heartbroken by someone u really love?
dunno what else to do...cry lor...cry until i forget about him and started to blame him

10. Would you ever love someone more than you love yourself?
sometimes i would

11. Does someone loves you now?
i wish...but don't really think so.

12. Are you in love with someone now?
sometimes, not gonna really love him unless he likes me too...

13. If yes, how long will it take to tell him/her that you love him/her?
haven't crossed my mind...i wouldn't, i guess...he's better of with someone else *grin*

14. How many times would you tell him/her that you love him/her?
i haven't, btw...


It's Gawai Day today, pretty awesome. My friends and I (three of us) went to visit my ex-classmate from primary school (who also happened to be one of my friend's friend) who I had not seen for at least 8 years (Omigod, I know). He still looked the same, haha, but much taller than I am now. He was sort of like one of my close friends (there were like 6 of us back then who sat at the same line in the classroom in Primary 5 and 6).

When I was about to go there, I assumed that he wouldn't recognize me but when my friend pointed at me, my ex-classmate saw me and called me by my FULL name. Omigod, I'm so happy...can't believe he still remembers my full name. Oh, he's a smart guy...always been smart since primary school. Then, we hung out at his house for about an hour, watching TV, talking about our other ex-classmates, having lunch and drinking 'Tuak'...it's a kind of native alcoholic drink which was served widely on Gawai Day as a tradition or something.

After that, we went to my fellow collegemate's house (now there were 4 of us cuz we picked up another friend after the first house but none of them knew my collegemate) and united with the other Students Council members (not all of them were there, though) and had another lunch...post-lunch actually. Then, some more beers for me and my friends (not the other visiting Student Council members, though)...I was kinda drunk but still sober...I mean, really sober although my head felt kinda heavy. Then, I tried almost all the cookies my friend made, hehe, love trying foods made by my friends. Kinda fun.

Anyway, my dad bought a VCD with Liang Jing Ru and Sun Yan Zi's songs ;) love it. Liang Jing Ru and Sun Yan Zi are my favourite female artistes. I love their songs, despite the fact that one of Jolin Tsai (Cai Yi Ling)'s song called "Darkness" (the one she sang alone for the "Why Me Sweetie" OST) never fail to make me cry whenever I listen to it alone.

I watched "Ding Bu Dao"'s video clip and it's kinda sad...the innocent way of sad...the girl likes the guy, wants to show him the best smile and fell flat onto the mud...when the guy pulls her, she gets up and run away. Reminds me of High School years even though I've never been into that situation back then. The guy's practicing Judo, man. Should be Judo.

Sun Yan Zi is simply classic. She's the best female artiste in Singapore...just my POV. She's still having her one-year break now but she'll be back soon.


Email Wars
There's A Blog In Your Future...
Windows System Processes
A Brand New Beginning
My Ranting
Email Hoaxes...the truth is one CLICK away
I Can't
Back here again
Not better but better


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